Sign for Parque Arvi

How to Hike to Parque Arvi and the Metrocable via the Back Door

This virtually unknown hike is an unforgettable alternative route to Medellín's top tourist attractions, Parque Arví and the Metrocable. It offers the best views of the city from Cerro Pan de Azucar, a glimpse at Medellin's rural roots, and great food to reward you at the end.

Best menu del dia lunch in Medellin, Colombia

The Best Menu del Dia Lunches in Medellin, Colombia

I'm on a hunt for the best menu del dia in Medellin. Menu del dias are affordable lunch menus including soup, a main course, a drink, and sometimes a dessert. Vegetarian, vegan, typical Colombian, and international, I'm trying as many as I can. Here's what I've found so far, with ratings and photos.

cerro tusa worlds tallest pyramid venecia colombia

Cerro Tusa Hike: Everything You (Really, Seriously) Need to Know

The Cerro Tusa hike isn't your typical hike. It's the steepest, crawl-your-way-up-and-don't-look-down hike we've ever done. Make that tried. One of us didn't make it up. Here's all you need to know to do the hike yourself including how to get there, whether a guide is necessary, and how to prepare yourself.

Hiking in Medellin Las Cuevas del Higueron

The Ups and Downs of Hiking to Las Cuevas del Higueron in Medellin

With caves, a waterfall, an ancient trail, and being so easily accessible from Medellin, the Cuevas del Higueron hike would seem like a can't miss. It's worth doing… but it has its ups and downs, literally and figuratively. Here's all you need to know for a self-guided hike.

23 Things To Know Before Moving To Medellin

What to bring, how to stay safe, what to worry about, how best to feed yourself, how to work off all that avocado you'll be eating, and 17 more tips for any expat or digital nomad thinking of moving to Medellin.